Termomacchine uses 3D printing in the induction heating sector.
The Piedmontese company has been operating since 1976 in the design, construction and sale of electromagnetic induction heating systems. Thanks to the constant commitment to research and technological updating, and to meet the needs of a constantly evolving market, the company has developed and completed the idea of purchasing a 3D printer to be used in the production process.
3DZ proposed the Markforged X7. Termomacchine’s decision, under the expert guidance of the Gili family, to rely on additive manufacturing instead of normal processing, was the result of a careful analysis, especially on execution times and costs.
With the 3D printer X7, for example, the front closure for the cover of an induction welding machine was created.

L'ESIGENZA: Velocizzare il processo di realizzazione di componenti funzionali
3D printing gives the opportunity to experiment with new solutions without moving the entire supply chain, significantly reducing time and costs, says Bruno Gili, President of Termomacchine. Many parts that we currently produce with 3D printing – continues Gili – are those that were produced by the workshop. The savings in economic terms are considerable with the added advantage of being able to take advantage of the printer 24 hours a day, also remedying emergencies or problems of any technical nature.